Monday, June 27, 2011


So I am training for a Triathlon. I decided I was going to do one, then didnt train, and didnt sign up for one. Then last week I became redetermined, signed up for it and started the training. My Tri is in one month folks. One month. I have found that I dont really care what ppl think of me while I'm training in the pool at the gym (see here) So that being said- The race is in an actual reservoir.Lets just say I am going to drown. I've come to terms with that. Not really-because I have to wear a Wetsuit. And that makes you more bouyant :) yipee. But still.So anyway the training has been intense. Running is easier cuz you can just go. This is a bit different, I'm not a very good swimmer, and biking is new to me. However training is going well and I feel really good. So I guess I will update more later about it all- but it is July 30th. I think I am a bit nuts. I cant believe I am doing this, I think I may be retarded.